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Gustave Vogt

Born in Strasbourg in 1781, Gustave Vogt entered the Paris Conservatoire in 1798 as a student of François Sallantin. After being awarded the premier prix the following year, Vogt went on to positions in several theater orchestras as well as in Napolean’s musique particulière. In 1812 he became principal oboist of the Opéra orchestra, and held that position until 1834. Around this same time he was appointed to the faculty of the Conservatoire, and for nearly forty years served as professeur titulaire. He was also a founding member of the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire. In addition to his activities as a player and teacher, Vogt also composed pedagogical as well as solo works for the oboe. Vogt died in Paris in 1870.

Monsieur Vogt’s Compositions